Pelvic Floor Safe Pilates and Exercising

Brisbane pelvic health physiotherapist and author of ‘Inside Out’, Michelle Kenway created the phrase ‘Pelvic Floor Safe Exercising’ and she is a passionate advocate of the principle:

The term means exercising in such a way that you protect the pelvic floor and internal pelvic organs from excessive downward load and pressure which may impact on organ prolapse and incontinence problems. More specifically, it involves performing safe abdominal exercises and modifying other lifting and high impact exercises to decrease intra abdominal pressure.

Often it is poor technique that contributes to problems. Some exercises that may contribute and need analysis of technique are:

  • Repetitive sit ups
  • Curls
  • Crunches
  • Double leg lifting
  • Lifting excessive weights
  • Running

If a person has an existing pelvic floor problem these intense, loaded exercises may worsen the condition. Pelvic floor safe exercising is especially important after childbirth, menopause or any gynaecological or other pelvic surgery.

If you go to the gym, run, lift weights, do Pilates or Yoga, advice and specific instruction is available to keep your pelvic floor safe. Modification may be needed whilst you improve your pelvic floor, deep abdominals and lower limb strength.

Clinical Pilates

Bronwyn uses clinical Pilates as part of her management approach to improve core muscle strength and also as part of general exercise planning.

Pilates can be used for a full body workout. Taught correctly, particularly one on one, it is also a pelvic floor safe approach to exercise.